Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 rules i have broken

                                                   10 rules i have broken

  1. The don't kiss your friend's boyfriend,i did at 14.
  2. The don't wear white after labor day, i did which resulted in stain city.
  3. The don't go to sleep with gum in your mouth,besides the choking hazard,it got in my hair which resulted in a bad haircut at 5.
  4. The never tell your sister you hate her,i did at 9,she was 32,and i didn't want my hair brushed....Tomboy at the time,hated baths.
  5. The don't cheat on a test...i did and was caught and had to write a 3 page term paper on why i was sorry at age 11
  6. The never lie to cops..or your parents...about vandalizing a house i was 10 and i really didn't vandalize anything i just stood by and was the lookout,we didn't steal anything my friend was mad at a girl who lived there and spray painted her windows and doors with obscenities  and when we were caught i took the fall, had to clean it up and pay the owners all my birthday money.
  7. The never drink when your underage...i was 12 and my parents had a party and me and my friend snuck some margaritas and what not....parents found out and made us rake the entire yard free of pine straw...with i think acdc blasting in our ears .....WORST HANGOVER EVER
  8. Never ever ever sneak out the house,when your room has the only bathroom in the entire house.....cops were called huge embarrassment
  9. Never ever pick a fight with your brothers soon to be wife on the day of their wedding just 5 mins prior to them getting married i was 7....we pulled hair, spit at each a church
  10. Never break a promise

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