Thursday, November 14, 2013

Worst habits

  1. Biting my nails- although i quit
  2. chewing on non food items...pen lids,bottle lids,etc
  3. making tiny promises but never keeping most of them
  4. procrastinating
  5. believing there is good in everyone

What's in my bag?

What's in my bag?

  1. Mail i need to put in the mailbox
  2. hair clips,bows,ties
  3. crayons
  4. paper
  5. wallet
  6. paper clips
  7. bandaids
  8. diaper
  9. wipes
  10. bag
  11. matches
  12. can opener
  13. coins
  14. toy car
  15. rattle
  16. snacks
I have to stay prepared

Pet peeves

Pet Peeves

Never fails every time i have money nothing and i do mean nothing is ever on sale. 

Smoking near children

If you rip cardboard near me i'll hit you really hard it is by far my biggest pet peeve



Day 5 - What are my fears?
  1. I fear i won't stay concentrated on finishing school,and then i won't be giving my all to be the best for my kids.
  2. I fear their first heartache,i fear when each one of my kids have their heartbroken.
  3. I fear marriage,i've been married twice and i'm just so sure it won't work a third time,i push my boyfriend away because of it.
  4. I fear the dark,i have always been afraid.
  5. I fear clowns, ever since being made to watch, "It'' at 4, its pretty much terrified me forever.
  6. I fear not being able to provide for my family.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Songs i currently love

  1. Wrecking ball-miley cyrus ...hated the music video
  2. Monster - eminem
  3. Someone like you- adele
  4. roar- katy perry
  5. ho hey- lumineers
  6. kiss me - ed sheeran 
  7. save tonight- eagle eye cherry

My Favorite quote is....

Day 2
''Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations,our possibilities become endlessly.

Blog Challenge

Since i am way behind i am thirteen posts to do today. I love challenges especially ones where i have to write.I love to write.
Day 1- 20 Facts about Me

  1. I use to be a cheerleader,didn't work out too well i didn't want to be thrown in the air by three other thirteen year olds so i bailed on that.
  2. I have four extremely smart daughters,and a too intelligent son, they keep me on my toes...literally
  3. I had a 4.0 GPA from 9th-12th grade
  4. I suck at math 
  5. I can't follow directions, you give me a map i'm good but the moment you attempt to verbally tell me where to go i'm like wha???
  6. My eye color is amber brown,if you get me really angry you'll see fireballs in them..seriously
  7. I am 50% irish,25% french,and 20% cherokee indian
  8. I hate tourist season especially spring break.
  9.  I have two half sisters, two half brothers, and one adopted brother but I'm the youngest
  10. Four out of five of my kids have blue/green eyes. 
  11. My five year old is the spitting image of you as a child and has all my spunk god help yall.
  12. As you can probably tell i am southern, i have the hospitality and accent of a country girl.
  13. I still watch cartoons....but with each passing day Yo Gabba Gabba reminds me of Barney so i'll never like that show.
  14. I am a hopeless romantic i want that love story like the notebook 
  15. My oldest two brothers are both vets serving the Navy and Marines.
  16. I am a giant.....i am 5'11 and wear a size 11 in ladies shoes...Fee Fi Foo Fum
  17. I am humorous i believe i like making people laugh
  18. I have a rare undiagnosed autoimmune disorder, i have had every test known to mankind and still they don't know what it was
  19. During the last child's birth my anesthesiologist did a spinal tap on me,talking about terrifying.
  20. I am only 27 yrs old with 5 kids lol 
Welcome to my blog


Writing makes me happy,journaling makes me happy, sharing my thoughts and ideas with the world makes me happy, maybe it might relate to someone near or far. 

I am on a journey of finding myself, finding what makes me happy and sticking to it.You should too.

My favorite memory from when i was a child is...

   When i was a little girl,my grandmother use to get me up at the buttcrack of the morning, like seriously cartoons weren't even on. She'd wake my brother up and he'd come get me dressed,and fed, i was 4,he was 17. We'd eat breakfast then get our ham biscuits for lunch and a big gallon of water, and head out the back door. See every morning until my grandmother couldn't go no more she'd take us fishing,we were poor but i never knew it, i never needed anything materialistic and i am still like that to this day. 
She'd tell us never to take life for granted or family. She made me and brother promise to always love and care for each other. 
My favorite memory as a child has got to be fishing with grandma, watching the eagles soar over our heads,and hunt beneath us in the river for fish.

Family was everything for my grandma, its all you could hold to your name and the end of the day she'd say. She was a wise,most loving woman you'd ever meet. She had 13 children, only 5 remain living. My grandma was the best grandma ever.

If i could be a character from a book i'd be


I would seriously be Belle,from Beauty and the Beast. She and I are alot alike,we both love to read,can get utterly lost in a library, might even need our own search parties. I care for my parents,anyone in general i would help a complete stranger. I talk to myself so that can contribute to talking to objects that can't talk right......

I love the sound of....

I love the sound of a good rainstorm,falling asleep to the lighting clashing all around,and the thunder rumbling...Spring rainstorms were always best ones,the downpours,getting caught in the rain, playing in the rain. Pure Happiness

10 rules i have broken

                                                   10 rules i have broken

  1. The don't kiss your friend's boyfriend,i did at 14.
  2. The don't wear white after labor day, i did which resulted in stain city.
  3. The don't go to sleep with gum in your mouth,besides the choking hazard,it got in my hair which resulted in a bad haircut at 5.
  4. The never tell your sister you hate her,i did at 9,she was 32,and i didn't want my hair brushed....Tomboy at the time,hated baths.
  5. The don't cheat on a test...i did and was caught and had to write a 3 page term paper on why i was sorry at age 11
  6. The never lie to cops..or your parents...about vandalizing a house i was 10 and i really didn't vandalize anything i just stood by and was the lookout,we didn't steal anything my friend was mad at a girl who lived there and spray painted her windows and doors with obscenities  and when we were caught i took the fall, had to clean it up and pay the owners all my birthday money.
  7. The never drink when your underage...i was 12 and my parents had a party and me and my friend snuck some margaritas and what not....parents found out and made us rake the entire yard free of pine straw...with i think acdc blasting in our ears .....WORST HANGOVER EVER
  8. Never ever ever sneak out the house,when your room has the only bathroom in the entire house.....cops were called huge embarrassment
  9. Never ever pick a fight with your brothers soon to be wife on the day of their wedding just 5 mins prior to them getting married i was 7....we pulled hair, spit at each a church
  10. Never break a promise